Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Unattached, yet Rest Assured

You know when your relatives haven’t seen you for quite some time, there’s always a group of aunts and elder cousins who just love to bombard you with questions about your love life? Here’s an excerpt from that kind of conversation (based on first-hand experience):

Aunt 1              : Rachel! Anak adi’ doctor tau nih… (see translation below)
Me                   : *Smiles sheepishly*
Aunt 1              : 4th year sudah ko ka? Bla bla bla… Dah ada boyfriend ko? Kenapa mummy ko cakap tak da?
Me                   : o.O
Aunt 2              : Belum ada? Kenapa belum ada lagi neng?
Mother             : Hmm… pandai ka tidak dia tu flirt dengan orang. I cannot imagine la Rachel flirting with anybody…
Aunt 1,2,3...5    : Hahaha~
Aunt 3              : Uih, jaga-jaga ko neng. Masa student ni la ko mula mencari. Nanti ko grad, tak ada laki berani 
                          datang dekat lagi sebab ko sudah jadi doctor. Takut mereka mau mengurat. Nanti join club 
                          “Forever a Bachelorette” la ko tu nanti…
Aunts & some unidentified persons : HAHAHAHA! (and on they go teasing me about it)

Seriously aunties? Like I haven’t gone through enough already for choosing this profession as my future career?  -_-‘
And mother. She used to just smile and throw the hang-on-there glance at me, now she chirps in the conversation too? Traitor much?

Ok, fine. I admit I’m very slow at picking up hints that a guy throw at me when he’s trying to tell that he has this I-like-you-more-than-a-friend kind of feelings towards me. I mean, come on dude, I think the hints were too subtle! My processor is kinda sloppy in this section. By the time I finally realise it, it would all be too late and I’d be too shy to clarify my findings. On the other hand, when I have that kind of feelings towards a guy, I’d be too embarrassed to confess it. No wonder I’m still very single. Meh.

But seriously people, I don’t think I’ll end up joining that ‘club’ anyway. Why? Because I’m young, and I have plenty of time! Hehe. And also because I believe that my Mr. Rib Owner does exist. Now who on earth is that? Behold, ladies and gents, introducing…the romantic side of Rachel!

*Imaginary background music: I Knew I Loved You by Savage Garden*

Are you familiar about the story in the second chapter of the book of Genesis in the Bible, the part where God created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs? Yup, that’s the idea. I believe God created me from my very own Adam too (ooohh), which could be anyone.  Anywho, I have a feeling God must have blessed him with a generous amount of patience and tolerance before He created me, just so he could bear this klutzy personality of mine. Hehe.

I suppose he’s out there somewhere, searching for his lost rib, so to speak. Of course I’ll meet some other guys who I thought might be him. But I think when you actually found someone that you can really connect to, you'll have some kind of intuition, telling you that that's THE person you're meant to be with. Besides, as a believer, I trust that my dear Creator Himself will tell me who is the right person for me. I will find him, sooner or later. I just hope it won’t take forever. But if it just happens to be that God made me so special that He did not create me from any Adam, I’d still be content because I have a perfect lover called Jesus. J

Note to my dear Mr. Rib Owner:
Whoever you are, albeit all the shenanigans you might have to deal with, do give me some obvious hints so that I won’t miss you when you happen to come around. Just please don’t make them too jaw-dropping that you would scare me away. I look forward to the day we’re finally going to meet…or perhaps we've actually met before?

Lun Bawang – English translation:
Anak adi’         Young lady/man
Tau                 Our/Us
Nih                  This
Neng               An endearment name for girls
Anak adi’ doctor tau nih --> This young lady doctor of ours (or something like that)

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